Lutheran Hospital | Case Study | Xoft | Elekta

Case Study: Lutheran Hospital

About Lutheran Hospital

Lutheran Hospital is a 365-bed tertiary care facility in Northern Indiana that has been in operation since 1904.

Dr. Rachael Hayes, a breast oncology surgeon who joined Lutheran in August 2015, previously used an alternative IORT option with her patients. After a review to identify the best system for Lutheran, she also concluded that Elekta Xoft provided several superior advantages and adopted the technology in 2016.

“IORT with Elekta Xoft offers patients a safe and effective solution with a number of unique benefits including added convenience, reduced costs and fewer side effects.”

“With more targeted and efficient treatment, patients are able to return to their normal lives more quickly.”

“Since IORT with Elekta Xoft delivers radiation directly into the tumor cavity in minutes, my patients spend less time under anesthesia and we are able to complete more cases in a day,”

“In our detailed review of the available radiation therapy solutions, Elekta Xoft’s distinguished versatility across a variety of clinical applications, mobility, and unique patient benefits made it the preeminent solution for our practice. We are thrilled to adopt a system that can be used for the treatment of cancer anywhere in the body and look forward to pursuing other IORT applications in the future.”

Dr. Rachael Hayes
Breast Surgeon, Lutheran Hospital, Fort Wayne, IN

Monash Medical Centre

A growing body of favorable clinical data supports the use of IORT in patients meeting specific selection criteria.1,2 Lutheran Hospital is one of 27 centers, including Martin Health System and Monash Cancer Centre, participating in the largest clinical trial to-date of IORT using Elekta Xoft. The study compares IORT with Elekta Xoft to traditional radiation therapy in 1,200 patients. Early results have demonstrated low rates of recurrences and high-grade adverse events with excellent to good cosmesis two year post-treatment.3

“I specifically appreciate the advantages of the balloon applicators. Compared to other IORT technology I have utilized in the past, these applicators offer superior flexibility in precisely fitting the cavity to ensure conformal radiation dose.”

Dr. Rachael Hayes, Breast Surgeon, Lutheran Hospital, Fort Wayne, IN

Rachael Hayes

Elekta Xoft

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