About Elekta | Precision Radiation Medicine | Elekta hero

Hope for everyone dealing with cancer.

At Elekta, we have a united PURPOSE that motivates us as a company and as individuals—Hope for everyone dealing with cancer. It drives us towards our VISION – A world where everyone has access to the best cancer care. And we plan to get there through our MISSION – We improve patient lives by working together with our customers and partners.

As a leading innovator of precision radiation therapy solutions, Elekta is committed to ensuring that every patient has access to the best cancer care possible.

Our offering allows clinicians to treat more patients with increased quality, both with value-creating innovations in solutions and AI-supported service based on a global network.

Infographic: '28 million - projected increase of new cancer cases per year by 2040 (1). Cancer is growing twice as fast as other diseases and is likely to become the leading cause of death globally in a few decades. Currently there is a shortage of [more than] 15,000 linacs globally (2), we need to close this gap. 50-60% of all cancer patients will need radiation therapy, but lack access to treatment. Low- and middle- income countries have 80% of the global cancer burden but have access to only 32% of global radiation therapy resources (3)'

Our strategy to improve cancer care

We want to do our part to move towards a world where everyone has access to the best cancer care. With our strategy ACCESS 2025 we set the focus on closing the access gap, elevating cancer care and increasing the patients' participation in their own care.

What does access to the best cancer care mean to Elekta?


Improving physical access to radiation therapy globally. By growing the installed base (the numbers of machines) in underserved markets, we want to ensure that a larger share of the global population has access to radiation therapy.


+300M people
to gain access to RT via 825 additional Elekta linacs in underserved markets


Improving patient access to better and more efficient care by driving clinical adoption of new technology, optimal utilization of available technology and improving clinical decision support.


2x to 4x
double the clinical usage of short course treatment (hypofractionation) and quadruple the usage of adaptive treatments among Elekta customers


Increasing patient involvement in their own care journey and enhancing the care teams' ability to improve clinical outcomes through access to deeper and richer patient-reported insights.


of Elekta customers’ patients are actively interacting with their own care journey (<1% today)

Experience the difference

Discover how partnering with Elekta gives you access to versatile solutions, a culture of innovation and a true commitment to partnership.

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Experience the difference of partnering with Elekta
  1. WHO Report on cancer, available at https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/who-report-on-cancer-setting-priorities-investing-wisely-and-providing-care-for-all (excl. non-melanoma skin cancer).
  2. Ferlay J, et al. Global Cancer Observatory: Cancer Tomorrow. Lyon: International Agency for Research on Cancer, 2020; UN World Population Prospects 2019; International Atomic Energy Agency: DIRAC (Directory of Radiotherapy Centres), 2021
  3. Atun et al, Expanding global access to radiotherapy, The Lancet Oncol 2015 Sep; 16(10): 1153-86 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26419354/ .